How to Lose Arm Fat

Having a perfect body is the dream of most people. But what is known as a perfect body? According to today’s beauty standards, to a slender, firm body, free of stretch marks, cellulite or flaccidity.

In view of all these characteristics, this type of body becomes nothing more than a dream. In reality, very few people manage to achieve it. On the other hand, there are those who never feel satisfied and, therefore, end up throwing in the towel.

While it is true that this is not an easy task, it does not mean that it is impossible to achieve. You can achieve it with a lot of effort, discipline and dedication. On the other hand, you should also be aware of which parts of your body you need to pay more attention to.

For example, in some cases, there are those who become obsessed with working the buttocks, legs or abdomen. But, a part of the body of equal or more importance, are the arms.

Sagging arms is a very common problem and those who suffer from it usually feel very embarrassed and refrain from wearing certain clothes, especially those that are sleeveless.

In view of this, what can you do to remedy the situation? The solution is to lose arm fat. But, a new question arises, how can it be achieved? During this article we will be sharing with you some very interesting suggestions.

In addition, you will know what you should do and what not, when it comes to eliminating or lowering the fat in your arms. So, when you finish reading, you will have at hand all the necessary tools to show off beautiful toned arms that will look good with any look you want to wear. Let’s see right now how you can achieve it.

Instructions to lose arm fat

It is important that you keep in mind that, to reduce body fat, you must work your entire body and not just some localized areas. Which means that, to lose the fat in your arms, you must exercise your whole body. However, when doing so, carefully follow these instructions:

  1. Reduce fat gradually. If you try to lose fat abruptly, much of what you will lose is water and muscle mass, making your arms flabby.
  2. Keep in mind that fat is nothing more than an energy reserve and the muscles need this energy. Therefore, when losing weight in your arms, keep in mind that you must be disciplined to keep your body in perfect balance and this is not something that can be achieved overnight.
  3. Stick to a proper diet. This is a crucial factor in losing fat. However, it must be balanced. While it is true that you should try to make it low in calories, it is not recommended that you go hungry.
  4. To lose weight safely, you must lose between 250 to 900 grams each week. You can achieve this by reducing between 500 and 1000 calories a day.
  5. Limit your intake of foods that are high in fat or sugar. Some of these foods are soft drinks, biscuits, candy, alcoholic beverages, cooking oils, margarine, fried and processed foods, cold cuts, etc.
  6. Instead, try to make your diet varied. Do this by including more fruits and vegetables, as well as grains and other proteins, in order to maintain a healthy weight.
  7. Keep up a good exercise routine. For the exercises to be effective when it comes to eliminating fat, they must last no less than 20 minutes. After that time, fat burning will begin. Keep in mind that exercises don’t have to be high-impact. But which ones to do?

Arm exercises

Some of the exercises you can do are the following:

  • Push-ups or push-ups. To perform them correctly, keep your body steady from head to toe, just like a board. Then, bend your elbows, lowering your body until you reach the ground, but without touching it. Finally, go back up until your arms are totally firm and repeat the procedure. You can start with 3 sets of 10 reps each. By doing this you will be able to work many muscle groups of the body, but especially those that make up the arms.
  • Triceps dips. Although it is true that you can use special machines for its execution, you can also do it using another type of support, such as a bank. However, you must make sure that it is fixed to the ground so as not to suffer accidents. Stand with your back to the bench and support your arms on it while your legs are completely firm. Then, bend your elbows and rise again. Similarly, you can do 3 sets of about 10 reps each.
  • The Superman Exercise. This exercise consists of lying on your stomach with your legs stretched out while keeping your feet together. The arms should also be stretched up. Then, you must raise your arms and legs, so that only the trunk of your body touches the floor, hold the position for about 30 seconds and repeat the exercise.

Doing this will work the muscles of the spine, as well as those in the back of the shoulders, in the buttocks and in the back of the arms and legs.

Now, what else do you need to know about losing arm fat? Let’s see it right now.

What do you need to lose arm fat?

While it is true that a balanced diet and a good exercise routine are essential for losing body fat, water consumption is no less important.

You should drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. The recommended thing is about 8 glasses of water a day, which is equivalent to two liters of water. However, while you do some physical activity, you should increase that amount, since through sweat you will eliminate toxins from the body, but also liquid.

Drink water instead of energy drinks, sodas, or natural juices, as these can contain a lot of sugar and calories. On the other hand, water is much healthier and cheaper.

When it comes to exercising, you will need to wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move and move around easily. Depending on the exercise or activity you want to do, the most appropriate thing to do will be to wear tight-fitting clothing or, on the contrary, loose-fitting clothing.

But if you’re feeling a bit self-conscious about the way your arms currently look, it’s best to avoid wearing spandex clothing in that area, as it can pull on the skin near your armpits and make them look bulky.

On the other hand, even if it seems trivial or unimportant, in the case of women, it is important that they select a bra that is the right size. Remember that this is the base of your wardrobe.

When the size is incorrect, the skin usually accumulates in the area of ​​​​the armpits or near them. Therefore, if it doesn’t fit you, the garment you put on it will look just as bad.

On the other hand, you also need to always maintain a good posture. This will help you look taller, slimmer and you will be taking care of your muscles and bones.

By slouching, you affect the appearance of your body, no matter if you are sitting or standing, as the skin will accumulate near the armpit area. Therefore, pay close attention to your posture while doing different types of activities.

But what else should you be aware of when it comes to losing arm fat? Let’s see it.

Tips to lose arm fat

Keep in mind that losing body fat is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires patience and a lot of discipline and work on your part. Therefore, try to enjoy every part of the process.

Choose a diet that is not so aggressive. If you choose one with this feature, soon you will end up getting tired and throw in the towel. Instead, stick to a balanced diet that doesn’t have as many restrictions. In such a way that your mind forgets that it is a diet to lose weight.

Some experts recommend counting calories at each meal to keep them in check. If you have a hard time doing this, don’t let the parrot go away! You can use a food diary.

Write down in a notebook the number of calories you consume daily, as well as those you burn when you exercise. You can also do this by downloading an app on your smartphone.

These applications are responsible for recording the total nutrients, fibers, proteins and even vitamins that you consume with each meal. In this way, you can be sure that you are eating a balanced diet and having proper nutrition.

On the other hand, eat only when you are hungry and not as an emotional outlet for your current problems. Doing this will only harm your health and cause you to gain unnecessary weight. In case you have a craving, think if there is a healthy option that can replace it and thus you will feel satisfied.

If you follow these recommendations to the letter, you can be sure that you will begin to lose body fat correctly, which means saying goodbye once and for all to sagging arms and those pesky little fats that are located below.

Get the body you want so much. You will see that any sacrifice you make now will have been and will be worth it.

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