How NOT to Stretch Pecs

It is normal that it is not given due attention when it comes to muscle stretching. Either as a way to warm up (or prepare the muscle) before a tough training session. Or for a more therapeutic and muscle recovery purpose. That makes... Read more

How to Stretch the Psoas

How important it is to stretch properly is often underestimated. You are not and will not be the first who, with the desire to train, launches into exercise without paying much attention to proper warm-up and stretching of the muscles. Today, for... Read more

How NOT to Stretch the Psoas

In previous posts we have discussed which are the most appropriate exercises when it comes to stretching the iliopsoas muscle. However, like everything in life, there are two ways to do it, one of them is good and the other is... Read more

How to Stretch Lumbar

The human body is designed to be used to the fullest. The muscle mass you have must be kept toned. Exercising it daily and if it is the lower back even more so since the lower back. It is the most likely to... Read more

How to Stretch Pecs

People today are motivated to perform a series of exercises that keep them very healthy and more. In these times that has caused the presence of a pandemic called corona-virus or covid 19. This disease attacks precisely the area of ​​​​the... Read more