Game Modes for Pool or Billiards

We have already talked about pool or billiards in the past, and we have been left wanting to talk more about this table sport. In this case, we are going to focus on explaining only the game modes that can be applied to play pool. We will explain the rules and execution, so that you have it more than clear when playing some games. Needless to say, this is an entry dedicated to beginner users who are hungry to discover more about this sport.

Race to fifteen.

Let’s start with the most complicated game mode and preferred by the most veterans; “Race to Fifteen”. As its name establishes, this is a modality whose purpose is to put all number balls in ascending order (from 1 to 15). The intention is to get as many points as your rival, how do you get the points? Simple, each number represents the amount of points that you will add, example; Ball 5 = 5 points.

This billiards game mode may seem simple, but the truth is that it is more complicated than it seems. More than anything because unlike the smooth and striped mode (which will be explained later) Here you are forced to always seek to hit the ball that corresponds in the numerical order. That is, you should always aim for the ball with the lowest score on the table first.

Important! If after hitting the ball with the lowest numerical value, you manage to put another one that is not the corresponding one, it is validated. In fact, part of the complexity of this game mode is finding ways to pocket the higher scoring balls using the lower scoring ones. Well, if, for example, the 3 ball is being played, but you manage to get the 11 ball. It means that you will add 11 points in your favor, and the winner is defined by the highest score.


Now that you know this game mode for billiards, what follows is to know its rules:

  • If the cue ball enters a hole, the next player can take it and place it wherever he wants behind the table’s dividing line.
  • It is considered as “dirty” or foul, when a ball other than the corresponding ball is hit first on the table. For example, if ball 3 is on the table and you hit ball 4 first, this play is considered null.
  • This modality can be played with up to 4 players, however, two are recommended.
  • It can be played in pairs or individually.
  • If you accidentally touch any of the balls on the table with the stick or any other part of your body, you lose the turn.

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Classic billiards: Smooth and Striped.

Then we have this other way of playing billiards, it is the classic method or properly called as smooth and striped. If you have paid attention to the number balls, surely you have noticed that from 1 to 7 they are unicolor balls (known as smooth) and from 9 to 15 they only have a colored stripe (these are called striped). There is also the 8 ball, which is completely black, but it does not belong to either of the two categories mentioned. Well, there is a reason why billiard balls have these designs, and that is this game mode. We explain how it works.

By breaking the pineapple (triangular formation of the number balls). The table is “free”, which means that the pool player can seek to pocket any ball on the table (except the black ball). Depending on which goal first, it will be the type of ball that he should continue to put, that is. If you enter a smooth, you can only enter smooth, and your opponent the scratches.

The goal is to pocket all of your kind and save the 8 ball for last. Whoever pockets the 8 ball first wins.


As with the first game mode, in classic billiards there are also some rules, they are mentioned below:

  • If the cue ball enters a hole, the next player can place it anywhere on the table. Obviously looking for a position that favors him.
  • You cannot first hit the balls belonging to the type assigned to your opponent. That is, if you are smooth, you cannot hit the scratches or it is considered a foul.
  • If you don’t hit any ball on the table when taking a shot, your opponent can take the cue ball and place it wherever he wants.
  • If you pocket the black ball before you have pocketed the balls of your category first, you automatically lose.

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