Get in Shape Without Going to The Gym

There are people who do not know how to motivate themselves to exercise and who prefer to get in shape without going to the gym, while others doubt that it is possible to achieve a good physical condition without going to the gym.

In this sense, it is important to know that there are numerous resources that can be used to achieve good fitness, both with low-impact exercises and others of greater intensity. In this way, we can confirm that it is possible to get in shape without going to the gym and thanks to our advice you will be able to know what activities you can do to achieve it.

However, if you really want to burn fat and be healthier, you should avoid a sedentary lifestyle and eat a healthy diet. The combination of both is essential to achieve your goals.

Before we start talking about some fitness exercises that you can do to get in shape, it is important that you know that some habits or activities such as walking, climbing the stairs or dancing can help you get in shape. Experts recommend at least 30-45 minutes of moderate physical activity daily.


If you are a person who wants to get in shape without going to the gym, we recommend that you follow the following activities:

  1. Walk. It is necessary to stay active in order to maintain a healthy and fit body. If you don’t want to go to the gym, one of the healthiest, simplest and cheapest options is to walk. Your goal should be to progressively increase the time you walk each day, leaving aside a sedentary life. You can include your walking routine to daily activities that you do frequently, such as shopping, going to work… Even if you need the car to go, you can always leave it a little further away and walk most of the way. By walking you will be consuming energy and it will help you burn calories, easily and without going to the gym.
  2. Choose the stairs and not the elevator. If you live in a flat with an elevator or go to any place where there is one, you should change the elevator for the stairs. This is a very simple way to exercise. It will be less comfortable for you, but you can burn calories just by arriving or leaving your home. It will also help you strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
  3. Dance. If you are a person who loves to dance, you should know that this leisure activity is a great resource for weight loss. In this way, while you have fun you are exercising, being an activity that allows you to burn a large number of calories per minute, in addition to having a good time enjoying it. You also have the advantage that you can do it both at home and in a disco or anywhere you want, and even sign up for a class that has nothing to do with the gym. Moving the body dancing is very effective to get in shape without a gym.
  4. Swimming. Swimming is, without a doubt, one of the most complete sports you can practice. If you don’t want to go to the gym but you love the water and the pool, this is a perfect option for you. With swimming you burn a lot of calories, but you will also be strengthening your muscles and bones. In the case of swimming you can practice the style you prefer, but the “butterfly” is the one that allows you to burn a greater amount of fat.
  5. Outdoor activities. If you don’t want to be locked up in your house or go to a gym or sports facility, you should know that they have numerous options to get fit outdoors. There are many activities that can help you enjoy the outdoors such as hiking, running or cycling among others, sports that are ideal for enjoying nature while exercising your body and improving your physical condition. If you live in the city you can always go to a park, where it is also likely that you will even find fitness machines to be able to exercise like in a gym, but outside of it.
  6. Home Fitness. Finally, we must refer to fitness at home. Exercising at home is a very interesting option, especially if you have little free time, since you will be able to exercise when you need and want it, adapting your schedules better. At home you can do numerous exercises, such as plank routines, of abdominals, etc., without forgetting that you can dance, use weights, medicine balls, jump rope, etc.

In addition, you can also practice yoga and similar activities that, in addition to helping you get in good shape, have many other benefits focused on balancing the body and mind.

In this way, with the performance of these physical exercises you will be able to achieve your goal and you will be able to get in shape without having to go to the gym. This way you can save money at the same time that you can avoid having to deal with other people. Without a doubt, it is a great alternative to practice any of these sports.

What do you need

  • To do physical exercise.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.


  • Remember to always be well hydrated. Carry a small bottle of water with you and drink a few sips every 20 minutes to always maintain proper hydration.
  • In addition to doing good physical activity, it is essential to maintain good eating habits. Maintaining a healthy diet will allow you to achieve your goals, since it will be useless to exercise if you maintain harmful habits.
  • Warm up your body before the sports activity you do. This way you will be able to avoid injuries.

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